Question page

The question page is now finished and open!
So go and answer some questions :)

Trendy Moustachio

Hey Guys,
At the moment Nerd Glasses are Trending but for me moustaches are!!
I am Crazy about Moustaches, I think they are awesome and on my MSN page there are loads of pics of me and my moustaches. So I've decided to make a competition, whoever sends in the best moustache picture wins and might get a little prize. Competition ends when we get enough entries.
Here is a pic I made.. Nerd glasses and moustaches together FTW.

Here is a picture of my boomerang tri fly

Here is my boomerang tri fly (Eli Copter)

Eli Copter

For my Opening minds project in school, I decided I was going to make a boomerang Tri-fly that fly's. But before I did that I made an Origami version (that actually does fly). I came up with the name Eli Copter! What do you think? I'll post a pic later ;)